I would just like to take this time to encourage every woman to watch the new birth doccumentary "The Business of Being Born" produced by Ricki Lake. It is amazing and really shows what has happened to the way we think about birth in America. It is full of interviews, statistics, and beautiful birth stories. One thing that stuck out to me was when someone says that we spend more time researching what kind of car or even camera to get but we don't know our options for giving birth. We just go with what we feel everybody else does and we as women have lost what birth can be. Seeing the history of obstetrics in America is so eye opening and shows that money and power are at the center of why things have gotten so bad. Women are told everyday that their bodies aren't good enough...not only in how we look, but in our body's capabilities. We were created by God in His image..thus one could say our bodies are "godly" We are cabable of birth. I do know that there are exceptions but not the percentage that women think. I think of midwives that have 2-3% c-section rates and OB's that have 40% and I have to think..it is not the women that make the difference..it is the caregiver and the way the woman is treated as a pregnant and laboring woman. So, back to the movie...you can only get in on Netflix so what I did was sign up for the trial 2 week offer and I am going to cancel it in the next couple of days so it is free. If you can't get the movie, just let me know...I would be happy to have a viewing at my house. Women need to be more educated about their bodies and birth. I would love to help share what I have learned so far.
I agree with everything that my wife says. Women truly are amazing in their abilities. Coming from a guy, I still enjoyed "The Business os Being Born." I feel that it sheds alot of light in the dark corners of obstetrics. Definitely worth the 1.5 hours! Isn't my wife wonderful?! I'm the luckiest guy...
Yes you are Gary!
I can't wait to see it Sarah! I've been toying with the idea of getting my own Netflix account anyway (so Andrew doesn't have to wade through the chick flicks with me, lol).
It was definitely a very informative movie. I had no idea that the statistics were so off. Very sad! Thanks for letting me watch this. It has changed how I look at birth.
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