So, the picture on top is currently accepted by facebook and the general public but...the vulgar one on the bottom(sarcasm) was removed by facebook and goodness gracious..will that woman cover up already!!! can see her child nursing!!!
Why America??? I mean when I saw this first picture , I couldn't believe this person had no problem showing it..she even got comments about how great her boobies are. I would love to get a group of women to go to the mall, sit in front of Victoria's Secret with the larger than life models in lingere and nurse right by the pictures. I wonder what people would be complaining more about. Well, just thought I'd post this to get other people's wheels turning.
Upper cabinets!
23 hours ago
I agree, this is so dumb. I wish that people would get the double standard, but for a lot of people nursing will always be disgusting.
that is pretty ridiculous. it's just because it makes them uncomfortable. i can't believe they banned that though. stupid.
*rolls eyes and shouts %$&#$@!...
One of the baby magazines I used to read (I think it was Baby Talk) did an article about a year and a half ago on a mom on Facebook who had been told by Facebook that the picture of her nursing her baby was too vulgar for FB. The magazine article chided FB for taking such a stance, and proudly printed the momma's picture. Guess FB still hasn't learned their lesson.
I do cover up in public because I know some people feel uncomfortable getting "flashed" too much skin, which is pretty much inevitable (at least with my kids), but I also always wear modest necklines. Personally, though I may avoid it myself, I do not have any problem with any woman who choses to nurse uncovered in public.
Great post. It's a crazy world out there isn't it.
OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH! Boobs. And babies nursing! Scary! :)
I say breastfeed your babies, moms...anywhere and everywhere!
I have nursed both of my kids, they are now 5 and 2 1/2. My 2 1/2 is still nursing. We don't cover up, because they hate it. And honestly, I would hate eating with a blanket over my head! I've learned to be discreet. But, seriously, why can't people handle seeing breasts performing the function that they are THERE for?
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