Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Leo is 2

We had a Birthday Party for Leo on Saturday. A VERY small one as he didn't even know it was his birthday. Oh how different it was when Bella turned 2. He loves airplanes so I did my best to give his party an Airplane theme. The cake was my pride of the day and it was pretty tasty too! He got a new towel, a truck with blocks, and a small Thomas train set.
It seems like just yesterday I was writing his Birth Story and here he is 2. He is still my baby and I've had a lot of worries and guilt surrounding having our third child in the next couple of months. He is sweet but still needs me so much. I wish I could give him more time as the youngest. I think I will do another post on my emotional state during this pregnancy..especially as it is coming to a close.


Kristi said...

Awwww....you're sweet!

Did you have the same feelings with your second pregnancy? I'm not pregnant yet, but I think about how I might feel about Lily.

Kristi said...

Awwww....you're sweet!

Did you have the same feelings with your second pregnancy? I'm not pregnant yet, but I think about how I might feel about Lily.