So here are a couple of pictures of me at 29 weeks into this pregnancy. I think I am about as big as I was last time but it seems as if I am carrying higher. I had a midwife appointment last week and it went really well. I enjoy chatting and I pretty much always end up having hour long visits because of that. Everything seems to be going just great which means there's not much to talk about I guess. I decided not to do the glucose test as I don't feel I am at risk and I check my urine myself at every visit and there have been no deviations from perfect on the paper strips. I will now be going every 2 weeks to see her which will probably make the time fly by. I have been giving thought to whether or not I would do the Group B screening and I am leaning towards doing it. I did not with Leo and felt good with that but since it is not invasive to the baby or anything, I may just pay the extra $50 to see(and I will get to swab myself so that makes me more comfortable). We talked about doulas and birth preparation for this birth and I decided not to use a doula this time. I feel like a hypocrite but my midwife and her assistant told me that less moms use doulas at homebirths versus at the hospital or birth center. The apprentice who has been a doula for a long time said that she did not even have one at her birth. I want to be supported but I don't want too many people there. I will have Gary, my midwife, her apprentice, my sister-in-law, and probably my mother if she gets here in time. I am excited to have my sister in law, Leilani, who is a great photographer do birth photography for me. This will be her first time photographing a birth but I know she'll do great! To see her work, you can look at I am also excited for my mother to be at the birth. She has not been able to be at my other ones as we were in Utah but it seems like a very bonding thing and even though she has witnessed many births in her career as a nurse(mostly L&D), she has never been to a birth out of a hospital setting.
I got a call from a friend yesterday during her labor. She is a friend from college and she was wanting to know when she should go to the hospital. I was so happy I could help her. She had told me that she was not wanting to get to the hospital too soon and worried that her labor would stall once she got there. I asked her if she really wanted to get there just in time to push and she said,"yes." So I told her some signs to look for that she was close to that stage. This is her first baby and she had been laboring since the early morning but I knew it could go on longer. I told her that if she started shaking during contractions, throwing up, grunting at the end of a contraction, or most of all, if her gut told her it was time to go, that would be the right time. I don't know how it all played out yet but a couple of hours ago, she sent me a text picture of her new baby boy. I can't wait to hear how it all went. I told Gary last night that I love being a part of a woman's birthing time. I told him with a few tears in my eyes that my friend was going to become a mother today and how honored I felt to have been even a tiny part of her day. That is why I love being a doula. I get to be a small part of a miracle. I get to talk to a woman or be with a woman as she experiences one of the most sacred moments life has to offer.
ahhh. Look at that cute belly! Glad to hear things are going well. I got your message the other day and tried to call you back and left a message. Love you guys. Can't wait to hear all about the birth :)
You're so cute! I love your posts and it makes me really excited when I get to start witnessing those miracles one day. I'm not quite ready yet, but it'll happen!
You're adorable! Glad to hear you're doing well!
your belly is AWESOME!!!
Keep up the good work!
You are so cute! I'm so glad you were able to help your friend out, and what an honor she chose you to call:) You are awesome, Ms. Sarah...don't let anyone tell you differently.
I am super excited too! It's going to be one of the most incredible experiences I've ever had, I'm sure! Not too long now, either! :)
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